Saturday, December 10, 2016

Moving Along....

      As educators we face number of challenges everyday. While no two challenges are the same, they can and many cases do share a number of similarities

         My wife and I, are approaching our first Christmas on the Island of Saipan.  This is the first Christmas for us both were we will not be close to any family members.  One of the nice things about being part of the profession of teaching is the close relationships we have formed with my co-workers, students and parents.  It is also helpful for us both that the internet does allow us to keep in close contact with our loved ones both on the US mainland and in the Philippines.

    As to the challenges, we have faced a number of challenges this past year.  They revolve around our decsion to leave our home in Oklahoma and move to the Commonwealth of Northern Marina Islands, or CNMI for short.  We packed four bags total, our bicycles, and said good-bye to our friends and family on the mainland.  In other words, we decided to start over so to speak.  The challenges of moving around the world, and what we would do different, would fill multiple blog posts.  The most important things I would suggest, are to have a well thought out plan.  Be prepared for when that plan doesn't work out exactly as you had planned.  Be flexible, with everyone including yourself.  When it comes to moving it is stressful.  It will take some time for you and your family to get into a new routine.  Once you have a routine set, then things start working out much better.

     One final thought. on moving.  Don't forget to be a tourist to your new home.  For us that means getting a lot of Vitamin SEA, and spending a great deal of time out doors.  Life is an adventure, make the most of it!

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