Friday, November 25, 2016


Education Day CNMI PSS 2016
Having written an number of articles on subjects I am passionate about, I now find myself writing articles for subjects, that while I am knowledgeable about, I have a great deal to learn.

Technology, offers a great deal of opportunities for us to express our ideas and share our thoughts on a great deal of subjects. Given, that I work in education, blogging can be a tool to share ideas on how to reach students.

Here are some questions that I have been challenged to answer this week.

  1. What is a blog?
  2. What is the purpose of a blog?
  3. How can you use this in your official capacity? (teacher, admin, central office, etc.)
i. A blog, is essentially an online platform that a person can use to publish ideas.

ii. The purpose of a blog, is dependent on what the goal of the writer is. As this blog is about education and technology, the purpose for me is to learn more about technology, and to make good grades.

iii. In my official capacity, I can use a blog to address concerns about issues, provide updates on projects, and share insights into what goes on in my classroom. I can also use this as a one way communication with my target audience.

Here is an example.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Chai! I liked how you included the video. The video definitely gives it a personal touch. Nice tunes, too!

    Maybe we can use our blog to share news with our parents? Something to think about.

    See you on Monday!

  2. It's nice how you added a short video.

    1. Thank you Suzie... Just something a little different.
