

TexhomaTeacher seeks to provide information on Education, and other topics of my personal interest.

TexhomaTeacher is not an impartial, journalistic entity.  TexhomaTeacher exist to provide readers with information, but also commentary on that material published on the blog.

I will  attempt to avoid any appearance of bias or favoritism, including towards the information that is provided, however Commentary it is my own personal opinion.

The blog provides coverage of information that is of interest of me, typically concerning Education.

Corrections and Updates:

On the blog, I note all substantive corrections to content (i.e., everything more severe than typos and minor re-phrasings).  To do so, I post a bold "CORRECTION" notice at the bottom of the post describing the change.

If you find an error, please report it to gjaxson01@gmail.com

Whenever we materially add to a post, we post an "UPDATE" label at the top of the post, with the time and date of the change.


Every email sent to feedback is reviewed by a Garrett Jackson.  I try whenever possible to reply to emails.  However, given my limited resources, I do not guarantee either responses or that ideas sent to us will be acted on.

Reproduction of Content:
All posts are Copyright by Garrett Jackson.  You are welcome to link to information on this website provided it is for non-commercial use, and you attribute my work with a by line, and links to my original content.

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