Sunday, January 22, 2017

Opportunities & Failures

    The opportunities offered today to our young people are as vast as any ocean. The opportunities that our young people throw away are as vast as the stars in the sky.  As adults we observe young people through the lens of personal failures, personal success, and personal values.  It is no wonder why many times adults, think young people waste opportunities presented to them. Besides that, failure can be a wonderful learning experience for our young people.  What they learn from their failures can serve to make them a better person in the future.  More importantly, without a doubt a young person will fail at something.  If they do not learn how to accept that and how to deal with that, then we are doing them a disservice.

     Experience is learning that takes place over time, as a result of the good and bad decisions a person makes.  Each person will end up with a different experience that we will shape what we view in our life forever.  Good or bad, it is Experience, that shapes most of our views.

   I too fall in the trap of being to critical of young people when they make poor decisions about life.  That is not to say that a healthy does of criticism isn't good, but many times we overlook the all to real lack of experience that young people have.

     I cannot tell you how many experiences I have that are the result of bad decisions.  What I will tell you is it is a lot.  It takes time for people to learn the lesson from good and bad experiences, and often times that knowledge isn't tested until an opportunity presents itself.  For young people to get experience that is meaningful and helpful to them, students need to be encouraged to jump on opportunities.  The quote at the top of the page is just a text-bite of what he said.  Just too the right is what he said along with the first line.  He talks about how he was never better than the job he had.  He talks about hard work and how each job provided him with a new opportunity.
    With our young people, we need to be not only encourage them to get off the game console and get outside more, but we need to continue to help them seek opportunities to learn about themselves and the world around them.  We need to be there to guide and support them on what the best decision is, but allow them the space to make a bad decision and fail.

     As someone who has failed at a few things in the past, I can speak from personal experience, that it sucks.  It also taught me something about my self each time.  Those lessons are certainly something we need in the future generations.  We need our young people to know how to accept failure and how to rise from the ashes of that failure and to continue to move forward to bigger and better things.

    I you are a parent, teacher, friend or neighbor.  Don't be quick to fix things for our young people.  Let them have the opportunity to experience failure.  It is a lesson that will serve them well as they go through life.

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