Monday, May 29, 2017


One of the neat things about the internet is how you can easily create new content and publish it.  Toondoo is a website that is fairly straight forward and allows you to create a comic strip.

Ideally what I would use this for, is to have my students create a comic strip of something they learned, and that would be the Authentic assessment that I would grade them on.  This would be an easy project to implement because it is fairly low cost, as in free, and it allows students who are not able to draw an opportunity to  be creative.

There are a few drawbacks though, this type of an assignment requires lots of planning.  I personally would have a rubric ready to go at the start of this assignment.  I would also, make sure to teach my students the basics of how the website works.  Another drawback is, that since this is in the cloud, you are at the mercy of the internet.

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