Wednesday, December 19, 2018

End of 2018....

     We all have great plans, and then bam life.  In 2018, I had planned to increase my writing and to provide more content for people on a number of topics.  Wow... That plan was an EPIC fail.  Though, this year has brought a number of challenges that I expected and many that I did not. 

      As an update, I did graduate from UTPB, with a masters degree in Special Education.   I did start a EdD program.  My family and I did survive one of the worst Typhoons, #Yutu, in history.  So while this year was lacking in blog posts, it was not without adventure and challenges.  This blog may have taken a back seat to a Masters, EdD and a typhoon, it is a work in progress.

Here are some photos of just after the storm.  As of this writing, my apartment is still without power and water.  We are close to 60 days.  Life continues.